Tag: Industrial Engineering

Simplified and Cost-Effective Packaging for the Industry

Simplified and Cost-Effective Packaging for the Industry förpackningslösning för högtrycksrengöringsutrustning

Clip-Lok designs’ easy to handle and store the one-way packaging solution for NAVADAN’s high-pressure cleaning equipment used in the maritime industry. Equipment used in the Maritime industry has high demands and space on ships are limited. NAVADAN, our customer is one of the leading suppliers of cleaning equipment, cleaning chemicals and hand tools for the […]

Transport Scratch Sensitive Panels Scratch Free

Transport Scratch Sensitive Panels Scratch Free

Reusable packaging for scratch sensitive panels. Clip-Lok SimPak® in collaboration with Mink Bürsten® has developed a new reusable packaging solution for scratch sensitive panels. Stainless steel and powdered lacquered panels, among others, are sensitive to scratches. Scratches disrupt the production line. Higher returns of scratched panels increase the cost for the company. So, finding the […]